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Create and Post a Holiday Postcard featuring your own photograph via your Apple Mac.

Create and Post a Holiday Postcard featuring your own photograph via your Apple Mac. Generating and Posting a holiday postcard from an Apple Mac is now an easy task when using the Send Holiday Postcard app. Download the app and start generating a holiday postcard created on your Apple Mac and post it using this app without going to the postbox.

We are just one of several websites that are displaying particulars about using your photos to Create a Holiday Postcard online with your Apple Mac and to be able to post it without going near the post office providing you have downloaded the Send Holiday Postcard app to your Mac.

The Send Holiday Postcard app will allow you to:

Post and Create a Holiday Postcard online from your computer.

You don't have be a Registered User or provide personal details to Post and Create a Holiday Postcard as and when you like.

Post and Create a Holiday Postcard online from your mobile phone.

As a Registered User you can credit funds to your Account with no time limits as to when you spend them.

Post and Create a Holiday Postcard online from your iPad.

Registered Users can create auxilliary user accounts enabling children and associates to Post and Create a Holiday Postcard.

Post and Create a Holiday Postcard online from your android tablet.

Registered Users can create a mail-shot to transcribe addressee's details they set up onto each Holiday Postcard created and posted by them.

The Send Holiday Postcard app will be going live during March 2024

Leave your email address below to be notified when the service goes live. We promise that it will ONLY be used to send you a ONE-OFF email. Your email address will be deleted upon sending it. The email will simply advise you of the definitive launch date with an invitation to download the app should you so desire. To read our User Terms and Privacy Policy, please go to the bottom of this web page and click the specific link.

PLEASE NOTE: The email you will receive advising you that the service is Live, will be sent to you from either www.holidaypostcard.com or www.holidaypostcards.co.uk - these two websites are owned and administered by Holiday Postcards Ltd to specifically handle the creating and posting of Real Holiday Postcards incorporating your holiday photographs following the launch of the Send Holiday Postcard app.